Voyageurs' Blog

Countdown to Canada 150 – Fishing the Greatest Lake

Posted: June 12, 2017 by Frank O'Connor

James Agawa and his sons and crew have been fishing the Greatest Great Lake for over 3 decades now. The Coronet is the tug that plies these waters. Fishing from Mamainse Harbour, this crew has seen it all. Big old Lake Superior can churn up into a frothing boil in no time, and in the next moment be flat as a sheet of glass. An old Norwegian Fisherman who worked the Minnesota coastline has a quote on a wall in a Fisherman’s Museum up there that says, “That Lake Superior – she is a beautiful lady, but she can be a real bitch.” And that about sums up the working conditions of these guys. The world enjoys fresh and smoked Whitefish and Lake Trout because these fishing crews work in perilous conditions.