Voyageurs' Blog


Posted: July 12, 2017 by Frank O'Connor

What is it about a warm beach, drenched in summertime sun that makes us feel like a kid again? The hot sand oozing up between our toes, the prospect of building the world’s greatest sand castle, or just the notion that there are miles and miles to walk, hand in hand, with your favourite person.
Maybe the pooch is in tow, and if he or she is lucky enough, they are off leash, and exploring the shore grasses for mice and other little critters. They splash about to cool off, and take a big gulp when they are thirsty.
Sitting in your favourite beach chair and just staring at the wonder of the Big Lake is a great way to while away an entire afternoon. Maybe, a cool beverage assists in wetting the whistle a little, and if the temperature soars high enough, it is time for that first plunge.
Hurry up and get in over that belly button. That is always a crucial tipping point – over it and you are as good as submerged. Once comfortable in the water, I like to lay on my back and just gaze and the blue summer sky. With very little leg peddling effort, I can stay afloat for quite awhile.
Along the north shore of the world’s largest lake, there are so many beaches to choose from. Harmony Bay, Batchawana, Pancake, and Agawa Bay are some of the more popular. Then there is Catherine Cove – Bathtub Island, and some of the many pebbled beaches along the route.  Stop in at the lodge and I will tell you where Bathtub Island is – it is a little more difficult to find, as there are no markings on the highway.  It is a real prize if you can find it.
You just gotta love the dog days of summer. I think it is time to pack up the kids, the dog, the picnic basket, and make a beach memory near you.