Voyageurs' Blog

Life along the shores of Batchawana Bay

Posted: July 05, 2017 by Shileen

In the past week, we have opened the Trans Canada Trail through these parts. It is a water trail along the north shore of Lake Superior between Gros Cap and Thunder Bay. We have welcomed two different brigades of voyageurs paddling for Canada 150 events, and we celebrated one whopper of a Canada Day 150 Celebration complete with live music, food and fireworks.
As we settle down into summertime, and the warm days ahead, we are reminded just how lucky we are to live in such a sacred and beautiful place. This morning the lake was like a sheet of glass. Two loons called out at about 7:30am, just as they have been all spring long, and the peace and tranquil feeling was magnificent.
This shoreline has inspired artists, poets, and musicians, and it continues to inspire all of us to believe that it is truly a magical place, a haunted place, and a very personal place. It will always be Superior to all others, and it never has to boast about that because we will do that for the old water hole. Happy Canada 150 Lake Superior – You are beautiful just the way you are.